Sunday, May 28, 2006

CO2 emissions growth occurring at unprecedented rate.

I try not to have to much news that is just plain bad. I like to have a mixture of solutions and policy discussions. I have seen this in a few places and thought it was worth mentioning. Sorry for the downer but its looking bad. Carbon dioxide grew by two parts per million (0.54 per cent) in 2005, the fourth year in a row of above-average growth.
"To have four years in a row of above-average carbon dioxide growth is
Dr Fraser said in a statement.

"In addition, the trend over recent years suggests the growth rate is
accelerating."He said the 30-year record of air collected at the Cape Grim
observation station showed growth rates of just over one part per million in the
early 1980s but, in recent years, carbon dioxide had increased at almost twice
this rate."

Climate Change Action

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