Monday, June 05, 2006

June 3rd Climate Conference was Huge Success

Well it has been an exciting but very busy few days for me.

The climate conference that i was involved in organising ( as part of Campaign against Climate Change) was a huge success. Around 400 people turned up and attended the 16 workshops we had organised. I chaired the meeting on contraction and convergence and climate justice; Aubrey Meyer and Saleemul Huq where the speakers in this session. It was an interesting experiance with such eminent speakers, never having chaired a meeting before!

Welcoming remarks where made by professor Yvonne Rydin who also chaired the plenary; an introduction to the event was given by Philip Thornhill, National co-ordinator of Campaign against Climate Change.

Plenary speakers on the day were:

Michael Meacher MP (former UK minister for the environment); Caroline Lucas MEP; Norman Barker MP; Goksen, Campaign against Climate Change partner from Istanbul; Lucy Pearce, Campaigns Director of Stop Climate Chaos; Mark Lynas, Author and journalist; George Marshall, co-director of COIN.

The logistics of 16 workshops, devided between two sessions are not simple. It worked brilliantly thanks to all the volunteers on the day, the efforts of the group as a whole and perticularly the efforts of the LSE sustainability officer Victoria Hands--thanks Victoria!

The full programme of days events is to be found here and to get involved with campaign against climate change you can visit the website and sign up for updates or donate to the cause. Photos from the event can be found here.

Climate Change Action

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At 5:28 PM, Blogger Alex Smith said...

Well done on the Conference! Where can I find audio recordings of the main speakers? Let's get it out to the world - that's your second conference audience.
Radio Ecoshock


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