Saturday, December 09, 2006

Blog Updates: Broadening of Focus and Greater Accessibility

The blog now has some new links so give them a go. 

1. I am trying to give this site less of a western focus.  A great many of the articles posted in the last year are focused on the UK (well i live here) or the US (for which I have no excuse).  

Climate change is complex and there are good reasons to focus on all areas:  Europe for its historical responsibility and green rhetoric (perhaps more?); the USA for its pre-eminence in the global economy and its enormous absoloute and per capita emissions; China for its rate of growth and its terrifying rate of coal utilitisation and development (towards ecological collapse); India for its population alone and its susceptibility to climate change; South America for its enormous biodiversity and increasing poulation. and Africa for its vulnerability to climate change whilst having almost no role in bringing this about.

Expect the focus to become more inclusive. Some of the links at the side reflect this.

2. I am trying to make this site more accessible.

There are now tags on all posts making searches for related articles supremely easy. All you need to do is click on a link, say wind, and find all my related article that have content about wind power.

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