Wednesday, January 31, 2007

IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (4AR) : Never Mind the Bollocks Here Are The Facts

The first volume of the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report (4AR) will be officially released Friday (2nd Feb 2007).

The IPCC reports are the international gold standard for climate science. They are inherently conservative documents due to there nature as consensus reports on what we can say with a high degree of certainty. 2500 expert reviewers and 800 contributors from around the world, the IPCC produce a highly influential report that is carefully policy relevant but not prescriptive. The subtleties will always be poorly presented by a media accustomed to short soundbites.

So just wait for the paid 'climate contrarians' to pop up with there misinformation, half truths and downright lies.

There are a relatively small number of organisations that deliberately spread this information, and a greater number of organistations who misrepresent the issues either through ignorance and lazy journalism or due to idealogical reasons. Unfortunately climate change is a highly politicised issue. Dealing with climate change should be a matter of politics but the basic information should be more respected than this.

Futher Reading (Addressing Media Noise)

Climate Science Assesed: Leading Climate Scientists discuss Controversy on RealClimate
Spin Watch: Marketing Tricks, Smoke and Mirrors Revealed on DeSmog Blog
Exxon Puppets: Climate Skeptics/Organisations Funded by Exxon Mobil (XOM)

Further Reading (Climate Change Perspectives)

Business Perspectives: Stanford Business School
Health Perspective: World Health Organisation
Development Perspective: Working Group on Climate Change and Development
Environmental Perspective: Arctic Climate Impact Assesment

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At 10:18 PM, Blogger beepbeepitsme said...

The "experts" who deny global climate change and human activity, are usually associated with the fossil fuels industries.

Oh dear, it couldn't be that they are trying to protect their hugely profitable businesses could it?

Say it isn't so! ;)

At 10:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention Calvin, but we have an urgent call to action
for our UK blogging and media friends.

There is a Canadian Exxon-funded think tank readying to launch an attack on the IPCC report on Monday, Feb. 5th at 10am at the Atrium Restaurant (across from the Houses of Parliament, Four Millbank, Westminster.

Here's the info, with backgrounders on the group, we need people down there to get out the message about who these guys really are.

I'm stuck halfway around the world and cannot attend. Even just 5 peopel to print off copies of the briefing note I have prepared and be there to hand it out to meeting -- anybody can go. And, trust me, you will really be making a difference.

Here's a PDF of the breifing note:

Would also be a very cool excercise in showing just how powerful blogs can be!!!!

Contact me at if you want more information.


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