Tuesday, March 27, 2007

George Monbiot: We need a five-year freeze on biofuels

According to a recent article by George Monbiot we need a freeze on biofuels. Biofuelwatch work consistantly to highlight this issue and there site is certainly worth a visit.

A taste of the strong passions that biofuels attract:

So what's wrong with these programmes? Only that they are a formula for environmental and humanitarian disaster. In 2004 I warned, on these pages, that biofuels would set up a competition for food between cars and people. The people would necessarily lose: those who can afford to drive are richer than those who are in danger of starvation. It would also lead to the destruction of rainforests and other important habitats. I received more abuse than I've had for any other column - except for when I attacked the 9/11 conspiracists. I was told my claims were ridiculous, laughable, impossible. Well in one respect I was wrong. I thought these effects wouldn't materialise for many years. They are happening already.

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