Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Spurt Aviation: Screw Africa, Screw The Planet, Let's Fly!

In recognition of the few who fly for the many, Sir Montgomery Cecil, Chairman of Spurt
Aviation, has today unveiled a motivational billboard en-route from Paddington to Heathrow

Now those aboard the Heathrow Express train, on the way to catch their plane, can ponder
the magnificent contribution they are making.
Sir Monty said:

"Britain's frequent flyers are now at war with the climate change fundamentalists. The last great war was won from planes and this one will be too! Even if this great island of ours ends up underwater, Spurt Aviation will be the first to fly people to safety. It's a win-win situation. Those Brits worth saving have got a second home somewhere else anyway. In fact, they're our best customers.”

“As for the rest, sod them, let's fly.”

Sir Montgomery Cecil - Chairman

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