Friday, June 15, 2007

Blogosphere Roundup: Funding Adaptation, Food vs Fuel, Offsets, Green Skyscrapers...

I link to quite a few good climate blogs, have you visited any of them and subscribed?

Here are a few of my favourite recent posts from the blogosphere:

Ken over at Sustainability in Hawai'i has a post on Oxfams' recent report about adaptation funding; 'Equity in adaptation: rich countries owe, big time'.

Celsias, perhaps the best climate change blog on the web for non scientists, has an article on escelating corn prices. This issue, entirely predictible in its apperence is due to the rapid ramp up of corn ethanol production in the US. Other people writing about this include Noam Chomsky, Lester Brown...and my local paper the Press and Journal.
'Food Prices on the Up & Up'.

The CDM blog has an explanation of Carbon Offsets.

The solar generation blog highlights the Greenpeace 'ban the bulb' campaign in India.

Climate Progress has a post about 'The Greenest Skyscraper in the World?'.

Carbon Planet has an article about IT systems and the the inneficiencies they suffer from.

Keith over at the Temas blog has a superb roundup of what cities are doing in the fight against climate change. The focus is perticularly on the C4o group, brought together by Bill Clinton, and the ICLEI initiative that has been going fo some years now. A very interesting post.

Bill Hewwit over at Climate Change (Foreign Policy Association) has an excitingly titled 'miscellany' post that covers a load of recent issues in the US, notably the bill before congress that would require a % of renewables for the whole nation. As usuall, loads of ammendments; lets include nuclear, and 'clean coal' etc..,

Over at the Climate Policy blog of the AMS there is a post about 'climate security' an emerging idea that has seen more and more coverage recently, perticularly following UK Foreign Secretary Margarett Beckett taking it to the security council for a debate.

Vital Trivia has an interview with Jonathon Porrit from the Hey litterary festival. Jonathon is a very interesting chatacher who is co-founder of the English Green Party, Chair of the Sustainable Development Comission and founder of Forum for the Future.


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At 11:38 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for the kind words about my cities post, Calvin. Kudos to you for your business response series, that I have found very interesting.

I was wondering what you thought of UNDP's new, rather different Carbon Facility?


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