Wednesday, August 01, 2007

US Climate (in)Action Report just out.

US Climate (in)Action Report just out. Read in full here.

The report was released very quietly...

Via DeSmogBlog

In the news industry everyone knows that the bad news always comes out on a Friday afternoon. Why? Because everyone also knows that most media has filed early and gone home for the day.

Seems the Bush administration pulled this little PR trick just last week with the release of its 19-month overdue US Climate Action Report.

The report was released last Friday (July 27th) by the Department of State in the form of this media memo. The release was not mentioned in the department's daily press briefing, nor is it mentioned in the news section of the White House's Council on Environmental Quality website.

And did the Bush Administration succeed in avoiding any press? Almost. The Student Operated Press reported it. No offense to the SOP, but I would say mission accomplished.

H/t to Rick Piltz and his great work on Climate Science Watch.

The report was released very quietly, because..?
Also Via DeSmogBlog

It's no wonder the Justice Department avoided any press attention over the latest US Climate Action Report released on Friday. (see this previous post for details).

You can find the whole report here - I've taken the liberty of highlighting some of the more interesting quotes that I'm sure the White House would love to sweep under the rug...

From the section "Greenhouse Gas Inventory:" (pdf)

* "In 2004, total greenhouse gas emissions rose to 7,074.4 teragrams of carbon dioxide equivalent, which was 15.8% above 1990 emissions."

* "From 1990 through 2004, US greenhouse gas emissions increased by 15.8 percent. Specifically, C02 emissions increased by 20 percent, CH4 and N20 emissions decreased by 10 and 2 percent, respectively."

From the section "Projected Greenhouse Gas Emissions:" (pdf)

* "Over the same period from 2002 to 2012, while GHG [greenhouse gas] intensity is declining, total gross GHG emissions are expected to rise by 11 percent."

* Table 5-2 in the same section reports that even if the US fully implements its climate programs and measures, total greenhouse gas emissions will continue to rise between 2012 and 2020.

* "From 2000 to 2020 total C02 emissions [from energy consumption] - as calculated with Full Implementation of Climate Program Measures - are projected to rise by 17 percent..."

From the section "Impacts and Adaptation:" (pdf)

* "...despite increases in winter precipitation, in many places a large percentage of the traditionally snow-covered areas of the northwestern United States has experienced a decline in spring snow-pack, especially since the middle of the 20th century."

* "The warmer temperatures projected with rising concentrations of greenhouse gases are expected to exacerbate present risks of drought in the United States."

* "In recognition of significant potential impacts from climate change, the Federal Coastal Zone Management Act states: 'Because global warming may result in substantial sea-level rise with serious adverse effects in the coastal zone, coastal states must anticipate and plan for such an occurrence."


Climate Change Action

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