Friday, November 30, 2007

UNFCCC Bali Climate Conference: Audio and Video Coverage

Audio and video will soon be flooding out of the Bali climate talks. I will post links to the various events and briefings here.

So far:
New Internationalist explores the global climate change situation (MP3).
  1. Chandra Bhushan - Associate director and head of the Industry Unit at Centre for Science and Environment in Delhi, India - advocates how India can accelerate development in ways that minimize its emissions.
  2. EcoEquity's Tom Athanasiou - argues that it's the countries of the Rich World, not the Poor World, which are responsible for climate change, and now it's their responsibility to pay. Tom outlines his plan, and presents the politics that await it at the UN Climate Change Conference.
  3. Daphne Wysham - co-director of the Sustainable Energy and Economy Network - reveals why international institutions such as the World Bank are cashing in on the growing climate change market, and how this is hindering sustainable energy options.
Pick of the side event webcasts:

  1. Al Gore urges progress without the US untill after Bush. Video.
  2. UN Regional perspectives on climate change: Video + Notes
  3. WHO Health and Climate Change: Video + Notes
  4. UNEP Adapting to Climate Change and Political Commitment: Video + Notes
  5. UNDP Climate Change and Human Development: Video + Notes.

Related: All Bali coverage on this blog can be found here.

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At 4:09 PM, Blogger Ian Wilker said...

You might want to check out coverage from the Natural Resources Defense Council -- NRDC has a team there, and a bunch of them are blogging the conference.


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