Monday, December 03, 2007

Bali deligates erupt into applause at Australia's kyoto ratification announcement

The first news out of the Bali climate talks:

"Spontaneous applause erupted for Australia as hundreds of delegates at the Bali climate change conference lauded Canberra's decision to ratify the Kyoto protocol....

Indonesia's Environment Minister and the new president of the UNFCCC, Rachmat Witoelar, told the conference he spoke for everyone "giving a sigh of relief" on Australia's change of position.

After the initial reaction, Witoelar invited delegates to offer a second round of applause, which they enthusiastically did. Some delegates even rose to their feet.

UNFCCC executive secretary Yvo de Boer later told reporters: "I think that it was an emotional and spontaneous reaction to a very significant political decision on the part of the Australian government to ratify the Kyoto protocol"."

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At 12:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For an alternative take on the Bali climate talks, check out Alter Eco – Offsetting Emissions, which you can download from

Alter-Eco is published by a group of NGOs, IPOs and social movements at the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change COP-13 who came together to make a unified call in support of real solutions to climate change and against the false market-based solutions to climate change that are being implemented under the Kyoto Protocol.

We join together to produce Alter-Eco as an instrument through which to project our collective voice, which reflects the views and concerns of grassroots constituencies and impacted communities all over the world.


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