Thursday, December 06, 2007

Tasmanian Forests Threatened: Video, Campaign Sites and Map

Tasmania has some of the finest, and most unique forests in the world. Unfortunately they are being logged at a frightening pace. However, there are people fighting this disgraceful exploitation of natural wealth.

A description of the problem, along with a annotated google map of the logging sites can be found here, you can zoon in and see the true extent of logging activities. The thing that is amazing about this is that Australia is a wealthy nation so it dosent need to destroy its environment in order support its economy. How can we ask the poorer nations of the earth to give up this practice if enven the wealthy cant resisit making a fast buck?

A personal view on the Huon and Styx valleys can be read here. The video bellow is a superb talk give by Cookie at the camp for climate action.

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