Friday, January 25, 2008

UK Coal Power Protest

If there is one area of emissions growth that worries me more than any others it would have to be the increase in coal power in India and China. It looked like a similar expansion was about to unfold in the US a couple of years back, but as I posted recently this dosen't seem to be materialising due to the threat of regulation and various permit refusals in favour of cleaner energy sources. I would like to see a ban on all coal power plants in the developed world if they don't capture the carbon they produce. This would show the developing world that we are serious and a reduction in new coal plants could be negotiated. It is certainly important from a global climate politics point of view what the developed world are doing. The size of incremental energy growth that we face is minute compared to china, and our resources are vast by comparison we really have to get this under control; if developed nations aren't prepared to stop using the most polluting form of energy then we just aren't serious.

The World Development Movement protest against the proposed Kingsnorth power plant at the offices of E.ON the power company proposing the plant.

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