Thursday, June 05, 2008

Amory Lovins on Nuclear Power

In the wake of Gordon Brown's recent announcement on plans for new nuclear power in the UK there is a lively discussion about nuclear power, very liveley and very poorly informed for the most part.

In the video clip Amory Lovins, inernational energy policy guru takes nuclear to task.

Lovins has recently co-authored a report on nuclear power (pdf).

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At 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think that we need new nuclear plants for uk's energy needs. I would prefer supporting clean energy forms like wind and solar energy.

At 6:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical that now the discussion for more nuke plants arises.
Claire I see you link to that fab new Mizpah Magazine.
I heard about it and now per chance read the lead article about how nuclear power ts going to be re-presented to us too.
The author is absolutely right.
Nuclear power is not the answer to climate change and rising prices but WE have to change our behaviour and feel real good about it. By the way - this Mizpah thing is going to be big - I heard that QVC want their great lucky charm collection. thanks for helping me find .


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