Monday, June 02, 2008

creativity and climate change

An inconvenient truth was one hard hitting film, it also continues to produce a lot of web traffic for my blog as i found a video of the talk on which it was based available online.

Now something interesting is happening--a musical based on the film! It's a parodic look at climate change, corporate greed and the general reluctance being shown by people to actually do anything about it.

We arent going to get moving on this without both a govornment shift and a cultural shift, the cultural shift comes from attiudes of individuals changing as a response to all sorts of encounters, this is where the creative industries have a role. As we move past consensus and onto solutions more and more people are getting engaged in changing outdated attitudes towards our planet. Comedy is perhaps the best way to do this, perticularly on a topic as loaded with cynicism and as prone to triggering defencive barriers as climate change.


Climate Change Action

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