Saturday, June 14, 2008

Introducing Ugmug McDuff

As the Arctic sea ice disappears the rate of thawing across the vast expanse of arctic permafrost triples - threatening all sorts of feedback unpleasantness. On the plus side we'll get all manner of ice age throwbacks er... thrown back.

Meanwhile - the UK government thinks about doing away with tedious pollution regulations so as to facilitate the expansion of Heathrow -contrary to all public consultation and all good judgement.

(I would like to apologise to Nygel Packet - sometime Knight of the Occassional Table - for stealing his moniker. I hope you don't mind)


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At 1:26 AM, Blogger Ari Herzog said...

Cute cartoon.

Let's shift to reality though and look at the polar caps.

I've seen studies of plant fossils discovered under the Antarctican ice, and I can only guess that similar fossils exist by the North Pole.

What do you think?


I guess the oil companies and fellow travelers are banking on there being a lot more than the odd fossil there. The Arctic countries have already carved up the area for exploration/exploitation now that so much of the polar ice is going, I believe.


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