Monday, August 18, 2008

Coal in China: Am i missing something?

I`m looking at coal in China. Perticularly at potential inernational responses and the widely different solution of carbon caputre and storage and a mixed renewables/combined heat and power infrastrucuture. There are many issues but cost and speed are the overriding ones.

What do you think of the plan so far?

I have 3 sections, each with around 5 parts, i have started to break down each of these parts into facts i need to research and i have a series of tables for my references.

As i was emailed my someone at IGES i will also point out that they have published a new white paper as an update on there 2005 work 'asian perspectives on climate change'. I will be reading both the 2005 and 2008 white papers as background for this bit of work i`m doing. IGES are one of the few asian centred energy/climate specialists that i know about...perticularly if we are talking freely accessible work in english.

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