Friday, August 15, 2008

Gap in energy or imagination?

The govornment do bang on about an 'energy gap'. This isn't to suprising really, solutions to an energy gap might include nuclear power and more coal...just what the utilities want.

However, on the eve of the Camp for Climate Action where such old paradigme thinking is hardly flavour of the month a report comissioned by WWF UK was released by energy consultancy Poyry which explains--in easy steps that even a minister could follow--how we can solve the climate crisis and energy security simultaneously. That seems to make a lot of sense given Russia's actions in Georgia and the latest climate science.

This kind calculation by an NGO feeding into issues raised by the Camp for Climate Action is a really positive development and something that i hope we can have more of in the future. The dialogue between climate camp and NGO's is certainly still open to discussion.

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