Wednesday, October 08, 2008

ABC air adds by Chevron but wont air adds by RePower America!

Amazingly, ABC is quite happy to promote fossil fuel energy but not renewables! I just recieved this from the "We" campaign...

Dear Calvin,

Did you notice the ads after last night's presidential debate?

ABC had Chevron. CBS had Exxon. CNN had the coal lobby. But you know what happened last week? ABC refused to run our Repower America ad -- the ad that takes on this same oil and coal lobby.

I sent a letter asking ABC to reconsider their decision and put our ad on the air, but still we haven't heard back more than a week later. I think they need to hear from all of us. Can you help? Please send a message to ABC and tell them to air the Repower America ad this Friday on 20/20.
If this makes tou mad the please sign the protest form and urge ABC to show the advert.


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